Companies everywhere are doing their best to make it through the economic slump. I’m really proud that even though times have been tough, Goff & Howard remains a company where people like to work.
When Goff & Howard recently won its third Best Places to Work award from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal, it helped reaffirm that the decisions we’ve made as company leaders during this recession have been the right ones.
Planning ahead for 2009, we made it our top priority to retain every employee. Goff & Howard has always been a stable company that few people leave, and we value our employees as our most important asset.
This priority has involved financial sacrifice in other areas, but not in ways that change the upbeat tone of our office. We recognize that our company culture of showing gratitude for great work, taking pride in our team, and caring for our employees and their families are what make Goff & Howard special. We continue to do all of these things – perhaps in more cost-conscious ways, but in ways that still show our employees our commitment to their happiness at work. We also continue to communicate with them about how the company is doing and how they can help keep us on track.
We have succeeded in keeping every employee on board and busy. Like other challenges, we are taking this economy on as a team.