Kids are back in school. Families are forming their routines for the next nine months. At work, clients seem to be shifting to a higher level of get-things-done mode.
Goff & Howard parents have a total of 15 kids in pre-K through high school. When Goff & Howard won a Best Places to Work award recently, one of the reasons for the honor was our family-friendliness. Occasionally one of our kids needs to come to work for a day (the photo shows Heidi Larson and her son Andrew, who visited our office during one of the last days of summer vacation before entering first grade), and other days we want to volunteer in the classroom or on field trips.
Sometimes we need extra time at home at the beginning or end of the school day. Thanks to cell phone and e-mail access outside the office, clients can reach us and we can stay in touch with the team even as we wait for a school bus to arrive.
To strike the right balance at work, we continue to focus on coming together as a team during the day. The value of face-to-face contact in serving our clients will never be replaced, even as technology enables us to sometimes do our jobs outside the office.
Giving employees the flexibility to accommodate their children’s needs is very important at Goff & Howard. By helping them balance their work lives and family lives, we believe that our team produces their best work.