The award, which is presented annually at the GOP’s Lincoln-Reagan Dinner, recognizes the recipient’s contributions to the party. Chris served two terms (1993-1997) as state chairman of the Republic Party of Minnesota, transforming its fundraising, communications, technology, and grassroots organizing operations.
At the dinner, current party chairman Tony Sutton hailed Chris as having been a “transformational chairman” who modernized the state GOP and made later election successes possible. Other tributes to Chris were made by Governor Tim Pawlenty, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, and former Republican National Committeeman Jack Meeks.
Steve Sviggum, former House Speaker and current Minnesota Commissioner of Labor and Industry, was also honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the event. Previous honorees include U.S. Representative Jim Ramstad, former Minnesota Governor Al Quie, and former U.S. Senator Rudy Boschwitz.
Congratulations, Chris, on this remarkable honor.