Here are some useful digital tools to stay informed about legislative activities:
• MyBills: A personalized bill-tracking application that allows people to track the status of bills through an RSS feed that is updated daily.
• House and Senate webcasts: Live video and audio streaming feeds of all floor sessions and high-interest committee hearings.
• Session Daily and Session Weekly: Nonpartisan newsletters about House floor and committee activity. Currently, there are no publications for the Senate due to budget restrictions.
• Twitter: You can receive up-to-the-minute breaking news about legislative activity by following the House, Senate and Capitol beat reporters on Twitter. Here are some that we recommend following:
• @MnHouseInfo
• @MnSenateMedia
• @RachelSB (Star Tribune)
• @PolAnimal (Pioneer Press)
• @tomscheck (Minnesota Public Radio)
• @stowydad (Associated Press)