The GH Spin spends a lot of time thinking about
Facebook. Besides checking out updates from our friends, there is another good reason. Facebook isn’t just for college students anymore. The largest and fastest-growing social media service is a way of life for the more than 400 million people who actively use it. By harnessing the energy and ideas of its millions of users, the site creates an environment where people can easily share information and connect with others. (Goff & Howard has its own
page, and we also create and monitor Facebook pages for our clients.)

What’s the big fuss about Facebook? The site has the largest number of users of any social networking site. Half a million people join the site each day, and the fastest-growing demographic of users is people over the age of 30. But, what is even more significant is how often users visit the site to create and consume wall posts, videos and links (otherwise known as content). More than 200 million people visit the site daily, and the average user spends 55 minutes per day and views 661.8 pages each month (twice as many page views as its closest rival, Hi5).
So, what does this mean for you? Facebook has rapidly become one of the easiest and most beneficial ways for a business to create and maintain relationships with its key audiences. If you need help navigating this premier communications platform, let us